Monday, 12 March 2012

Music and Branding

The growth of music industry in the world has evolved to a more bigger state then expected. South Africa's music industry has been slow at branding it's artist.With the ever increasing demand for change artists try out new ways of keeping their fan base alive and mobilized. So they opt for bigger and more expensive music video's to grab the attention of the masses. whether we like it or not branding  is a fundemental technique to master in PR. Some artists and labels seem to struggle with this but some seem to get it right.

(image souce: ebay)
One of them is New Orleans born hip-hop superstars Lil Wayne and Baby "Birdman" Williams. What started out as a dream turned out to be a successful PR opportunity for them. The lifestyle they live reflects the brands image which encourages people to follow.They have established a cult following introduced by their famous company name "young money cash money" The T-shirt has made its way to South Africa and spread like wild fire. When asked why people liked the T-shirt most of them said its a way of life
Marketing and branding in the South African music industry is lacking funding, attention and creativity. So much has to be learned from their international counter parts.
(image source: google)


  1. local people r ditching'ama-kipkip'4 ymcmb, where does Ur loyalty lie?

  2. Ama kip kip failed to initiate a proper environmental scanning programme which saw them perish out of existance. in music and branding you will have to constantly renew yourself or you will sieze to remain relevant to your target audience. in SA we have not adjusted to this yet

  3. the onli way 4 south african artists to b big in the bramdizing biz is to do it themselves. Lil wayne is known 4 smoking weed everywhere he is without regard to the law,nicki minaj 4 her booty and drake 4 his r n b rap enfuised rymes
